My camera's from A to Z
Istanbul after sunset. Nikon Z50 + Nikkor F DX 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 @90mm, ISO 2800, 1/60s, f/5.6 For over 40 years, I am a dedicated user...

Finally… a volcanic eruption!
Location: Iceland - July 2021 For the past 10 days, a low and grey cloud cover has hung over the Reykjanes peninsula in southwest...

Eindelijk... een vulkaanuitbarsting!
Locatie: IJsland - juli 2021 De afgelopen 10 dagen heeft er een laag en loodgrijs wolkendek over het schiereiland Reykjanes in zuidwest...

A view below the surface of Reykjanes
Location: Iceland - March 2021. For more than 2 weeks, the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland has been shaken by earthquakes. More than...

A voyage to Te Puia o Whaakari
Location: New-Zealand. Due to the strong wind it is not possible to sail from Whakatane to White Island by boat, but luckily we can...

Landing in Te Puia o Whaakari
Locatie: Nieuw-Zeeland Door de harde wind is het niet mogelijk om vanuit Whakatane per boot naar White Island te varen, maar gelukkig...

A journey towards the center of the earth
Location: Iceland In the footsteps of Jules Vernes The Brennisteinsfjöll volcanic system can be found on a plateau about 20 kilomtres...

Een reis naar het middelpunt van de aarde
Locatie: IJsland In de voetsporen van Jules Vernes De Brennisteinsfjöll hoogvlakte (zwavelgebergte) is een groot vulkanisch systeem, 20...

This is how you photograph Iceland
This interview was published on the Iceland Travel Blog www.stuckiniceland.com Iceland, a photographers paradise! Michel Hammann is a...

A Wildlife Experience!
The blow, the back, the fluke... the jump! To see a jumping humpback whale is high on the wish list of anyone who visits Alaska's Prince...